내용 출처 : YES C (정보공학연구소 /생능출판사)
단순 연결 리스트를 이용하여 생성한 큐(queue)를 이용하는 프로그램
// A linked list implementation of a queue. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #define EMPTY 0 #define FULL 10000 typedef unsigned int data; struct element{ data d; element* next; }; //an element in the queue struct queue { int cnt; //a count of the elements element* front; //ptr to the front element element* rear; //ptr to the rear element }; void initialize(queue *q); data dequeue(queue *q); void enqueue(data d, queue *q); data front(const queue *q); bool empty(const queue *q); bool full(const queue *q); //using queues to schedule two resources. int main() { int c; int cnt_a = 0; int cnt_b = 0; data pid; queue a, b; initialize(&a); initialize(&b); //enqueue the requests. while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) { switch (toupper(c)) { case 'A': assert(scanf_s("%u", &pid) == 1); if (!full(&a)) { enqueue(pid, &a); } break; case 'B': assert(scanf_s("%u", &pid) == 1); if (!full(&b)) { enqueue(pid, &b); } } } //Dequeue the requests and print them. printf("---\n"); printf("A's schedule : \n"); while (!empty(&a)) { pid = dequeue(&a); printf("JOB %u is %d \n", ++cnt_a, pid); } printf("\n"); printf("---\n"); printf("B's schedule : \n"); while (!empty(&b)) { pid = dequeue(&b); printf("JOB %u is %d \n", ++cnt_b, pid); } printf("\n"); return 0; } //the basic queue routines void initialize(queue *q) { q->cnt = 0; q->front = NULL; q->rear = NULL; } data dequeue(queue *q) { data d; element *p; d = q->front->d; p = q->front; q->front = q->front->next; q->cnt--; free(p); return d; } void enqueue(data d, queue *q) { element* p; p = (element*)malloc(sizeof(element)); p->d = d; p->next = NULL; if (!empty(q)) { q->rear->next = p; q->rear = p; } else { q->front = q->rear = p; } q->cnt++; } data front(const queue *q) { return q->front->d; } bool empty(const queue *q) { return (bool)(q->cnt == EMPTY); } bool full(const queue *q) { return (bool)(q->cnt == FULL); }